類 別: | 釋出消息 |
發佈日期: | 2005-11-30 |
訊息主題: | 「『主管值得信任、專業能力』、『部屬信任主管』與『部屬知識分享行為』的關係研究」資料釋出 |
計畫主持人:鄭仁偉 計畫執行單位:國立台灣科技大學 經費補助單位:行政院國家科學委員會 計畫執行期間: 2002/08/01~2003/07/31 This study examined the relationship among the managerial trustworthy characteristics, supervisor's abilities, employees' trust and knowledge sharing behaviors. The authors investigate the managerial trustworthy characteristics as antecedents of employees' trust. And, the authors explore the relationship between employees' trust and knowledge sharing behaviors. Then, the authors demonstrate the mediating effect of employees' trust between managerial trustworthy characteristics and knowledge sharing behaviors. After that, we discuss supervisor's abilities impact on the relation between managerial trustworthy characteristics and employees' trust. Participates, 144 sample units (included one employee and one supervisor), are from banking industry and semiconductor industry in Taiwan. The results suggest that when employees are sure of managerial trustworthy, they exchanged core knowledge with their supervisors. 釋出項目計有:問卷檔、EXCEL資料檔、SPSS資料檔、過錄編碼簿、次數分配表、與研究報告書。 |