Let's start with the 'Taiwan Social Change Survey'.We have currently completed the data compilation for the first to the sixth phases, from the first wave to the fifth wave (1984-2014).On this platform, you can easily find identical questionnaire items across 30 years and over 30 waves of surveys.The system will automatically merge the data across different years into a single file, saving you time in data organization and enhancing your academic research productivity.
We offer browsing of previously asked questions by thematic categories, or by filtering through questionnaire text along with conditions such as questionnaire group, time, and theme.This allows you to precisely find the topics of interest for your research and view the frequency distributions.
當研究人員或資料捐贈者要透過SRDA釋出資料時,SRDA會與他們共同討論資料的統計揭露風險 (Statistical Disclosure Risk),以決定該資料的釋出方式為公共版、會員版或限制版。最重要的是,我們的目標始終是提高數據的可用性,同時充分地解決敏感訊息被披露的擔憂。